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Université de Liège (ULg)


Université de Liège – EURAXESS Services Centre


Euraxess Contact NameCentre-ville : Manon GODBILLE (ESC)
Sart-Tilman : Françoise Guillaume (LCP)
Gembloux : Laurent de Potter (LCP)
AddressCentre-ville : Bât. A1-RISE : Bureau Euraxess, Place du 20-Août 7 4000 Liège
Sart Tilman : Bât. B3 PACODEL : Site de Liège Quartier Urbanistes 1 traverse des Architectes 4 4000 Liège
Gembloux: Bât. G1 Relations internationales (GxABT) Passage des Déportés 2 5030 Gembloux
TelephoneCentre-ville: +32 4 366 53 36
ExpertiseFor all practical information and personalized assistance in matters such as entry conditions, visas, work permits, salary/fellowship (statute, amount, social security, taxation), pension rights, health care, insurances, recognition of diplomas, intellectual property rights, job opportunities, accommodation, access to the culture of Liège and the region, language courses, day care facilities and schooling: contact Euraxess will either answer your question or refer you to the relevant service.








Additional information


The University of Liege (ULg) is fully part of the European and International higher education and research area. Offering a very diversified educational offer in the French speaking part of Belgium, ULg has links with over 1.000 institutions world-wide and is integrated in international academic and scientific networks.
ULg also qualifies for ECTS, DS and HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), labels and acknowledgement granted by the European Commission, which guarantees the quality of the training and administrative support given to exchange bachelors, master’s students, PhD-candidates and Post-doc researchers. 
According to the third mission, ULg plays an important role as a developer of activities with high added value and in providing dynamism to technological centres  by linking business companies and public operators (Bio-technologies, Life and Medical Sciences, Space Industry and Sciences, Environment, etc.). ULg is recognized by the Times Ranking as an industry oriented. It created a large number of spin-off companies emerging from its laboratories.
The ULg’s researchers distinguish themselves in the best scientific journals as well as in Open Access and Open Science.


In numbers, ULg represents : 

  • 23.000 students (a quarter of international origin, 127 nationalities),
  • 11 faculties,
  • 38 bachelor studies,
  • 193 master studies,
  • More than 5.000 employees,
  • 3.300 professors and researchers,
  • 4.500 publications a year,
  • 55 disciplinary and interdisciplinary research units
  • 20 international research centres,
  • 98 spin-offs representing a 150 millions € turnover and 1500 jobs.
  • Etc.