The ERA Talent Platform is a novel solution for researchers and research performing organisations that was launched yesterday. This comprehensive online gateway offers seamless access to a range of services, including EURAXESS service centres and portals, the HR Excellence in Research initiative
The Biennial Conference is the landmark event of EURAXESS. It brings together its national representatives to strengthen the network’s cohesion, give visibility to its achievements and to further discuss how to improve the attractiveness of the research profession and careers. This year’s edition
The next Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Presidency Conference 2024 will explore the multiple pathways of researchers’ careers. It is organized under the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the European Commission. Save the dates for this two-day event
Solomon Ehosioke just finished his PhD in Applied Sciences at the University of Liège, in the Research Unit of Urban and Environmental Engineering under the supervision of Professor Frédéric Nguyen and Professor Sarah Garré. He first did a Bachelor in Geology in Nigeria, worked for a few years, and
Francesca Rapino is a F.R.S.-FNRS research associate at the Stem Cells-Cancer Signaling Laboratory (GIGA Institute / Faculty of Medicine) at the University of Liège. She has been recently awarded an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council for her project tRNAtoGO. Endowed with 1.5
Hi, my name is Alessia Pancaro and I am from Santa Maria Capua Vetere in Italy. Last March I started my PhD on the development of a biosensing platform for lectin detection related to cerebrovascular disease using nanoplasmonics in the unit Health. In the last period I have been overwhelmed by COVID
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